- class cf_rules.Cloudflare(folder: str | None = None)[source]
- __init__(folder: str | None = None)[source]
Initialize Cloudflare class
Specify a folder argument where expressions will be saved
>>> cf = Cloudflare("my_expressions")
- auth_key(email: str, key: str) dict [source]
Get your global API Key through cloudflare profile (API Keys section)
- Raises:
Error – Email or key is not provided
This will grant all domains access to this API library, prefer using
email -> Email account
key -> Global API Key
>>> cf.auth_key("", "your-global-api-key") >>> {"success": True, "result": {"id": "a1b2c3", "email": "", ...}} # OR >>> {"success": False, "errors": [{"code": 6003, "message": "Invalid request headers", ...}]}
- auth_token(bearer_token: str) dict [source]
Generate a specific token through cloudflare profile (API Tokens section)
- Raises:
Error – Bearer token is not provided
This will grant only specific domains/permissions related access to this API library
bearer_token -> API Token
>>> cf.auth_token("your-specific-bearer-token") >>> {"success": True, "result": {"id": "a1b2c3", "status": "active"}, ...} # OR >>> {"success": False, "errors": [{"code": 1000, "message": "Invalid API token"}], ...}
- get_domains() dict [source]
Get all domains
- Raises:
Error – If not authenticated (use
auth_key(email, key)
>>> cf.get_domains() >>> {"count": 2, "domains": ["", ""], "result": [{"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "", ...}, ...]}
- property domains: list[DomainObject]
Get all domains as a list of
Access any value of the object with the dot operator
Better handling compared to
, return directly the result key of the function>>> >>> [{"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "", ...}, {"id": "d4e5f6", "name": "", ...}]
- get_domain(domain_name: str) DomainObject [source]
Get a specific domain as
- Raises:
Error – If not authenticated (use
auth_key(email, key)
)Error – If domain is not found (list all domains using
This function is the “core” for all other functions, it is needed for every other function to work
>>> cf.get_domain("") >>> {"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "", ...} >>> domain = cf.get_domain("") >>> # OR domain["name"] >>> ""
- set_plan(domain_name: str)[source]
Save current website plan
Will define the current plan of the website in the instance of the class
>>> cf.set_plan("") # Now the maximum available rules for this domain depends on the current plan
- get_rulesets(domain_name: str) dict [source]
Get all rulesets from a specific domain
>>> cf.get_rulesets("") >>> {"count": 4, "rulesets": ["default", "Cloudflare Normalization Ruleset", ...], "result": [{"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "default", ...}]}
- rulesets(domain_name: str) list[RulesetObject] [source]
Get all rulesets as a list of
Access any value of the object with the dot operator
Better handling compared to
, return directly the result key of the function>>> cf.rulesets >>> [{"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "default", ...}, {"id": "d4e5f6", "name": "Cloudflare Normalization Ruleset", ...}]
- get_custom_ruleset(domain_name: str) RulesetObject [source]
Get the custom ruleset from a specific domain as
It should be the only ruleset with the source “firewall_custom” as per Cloudflare’s documentation. This is the ruleset where all custom rules are stored.
- Raises:
Error – If no custom ruleset is found
>>> cf.get_custom_ruleset("") >>> {"id": "a1b2c3", "name": "default", "source": "firewall_custom", ...}
- get_rules(domain_name: str) dict [source]
Get all rules from a specific domain
- Raises:
Error – If no rules are found
>>> cf.get_rules("") >>> {"count": 3, "rules": ["Bad Bots", "Bad IP", "Bad AS"], "result": [{"id": "a1b2c3", "description": "Bad Bots", ...}, ...]}
- rules(domain_name: str) list[RuleObject] [source]
Get all rules as a list of
Access any value of the object with the dot operator
Better handling compared to
, return directly the result key of the function>>> cf.rules >>> [{"id": "a1b2c3", "description": "Bad Bots", ...}, {"id": "d4e5f6", "description": "Bad IP", ...}, ...]
- get_rule(domain_name: str, *, rule_name: str | None = None, rule_id: str | None = None) RuleObject [source]
Get a specific rule by name or ID from a specific domain as
- Raises:
>>> cf.get_rule("", rule_name="Bad Bots") >>> {"id": "a1b2c3", "enabled": True, "action": "block", "description": "Bad Bots", "expression": "(http.user_agent contains "DotBot")", ...}
- export_rules(domain_name: str) True [source]
Export all expressions from a specific domain
Will save all expressions into multiple files in the folder specified in Cloudflare’s constructor
>>> cf.export_rules("") # "Bad Bots.txt", "Bad IP.txt", "Bad AS.txt" files created in "my_expressions" folder
- export_rule(domain_name: str, *, rule_name: str | None = None, rule_id: str | None = None) True [source]
Export the expression of a rule in a txt file
- Raises:
Error – Rule name or rule ID is not provided
Will save the expression into a file in the folder specified in Cloudflare’s constructor
>>> cf.export_rule("", "Bad Bots") # "Bad Bots.txt" file created in "my_expressions" folder
- create_rule(domain_name: str, rule_file: str, rule_name: str | None = None, action: str | None = None) bool [source]
Create a rule with a specific expression
action -> Please refer to
Available actions as string: managed_challenge, js_challenge, challenge, block, skip, log
Action is read from the header of the file by default, but you can specify it manually. Else it will be “managed_challenge”
- Raises:
>>> cf.create_rule("", "Bad URL.txt", action="managed_challenge") # Create a rule with the expression in "Bad URL.txt" and override the action to "managed_challenge" >>> cf.create_rule("", "Bad IP.txt", "Not allowed IP") # Create a rule named "Not allowed IP" with the expression in "Bad IP.txt" with the action in the header of the file
- update_rule(domain_name: str, rule_file: str, rule_name: str | None = None, action: str | None = None) bool [source]
Update a rule with a specific expression
- Raises:
Error – Rule file is not found
First modify “Bad Bots.txt” by changing the expression or adding a new rule
>>> cf.update_rule("", "Bad Bots.txt") # Will update the remote rule "Bad Bots" with the expression in "Bad Bots.txt" >>> cf.update_rule("", "Bad IP.txt", "Not allowed IP", "block") # Will update the remote rule "Not allowed IP" with the expression in "Bad IP.txt" and override the action to "block"
- delete_rule(domain_name: str, rule_name: str) bool [source]
Delete a rule from a specific domain
>>> cf.delete_rule("", "Bad AS") # Will delete the rule "Bad AS" remotely from the domain ""
- purge_rules(domain_name: str) bool [source]
Purge all rules from a specific domain
>>> cf.purge_rules("") # Will delete all rules remotely from the domain ""
- import_rules(domain_name: str, actions_all: str | None = None) bool [source]
Import all expressions from all txt file
actions_all -> Set the same action for all imported rules, please refer to
Available actions as string: managed_challenge, js_challenge, challenge, block, skip, log
- Raises:
Error – Cannot create more rules (5 used / 5 available depending on the current plan)
If you have a better plan, please register your plan using the method
>>> cf.import_rules("") # Will use the action in the header specific for every file >>> cf.import_rules("", "block") # Will import all rules and use the "block" action
- import_rule(domain_name: str, rule_file: str, rule_name: str | None = None, action: str | None = None) bool
Import a rule with a specific expression
Alias for
>>> cf.import_rule("", "Bad URL.txt", action="managed_challenge") # Import a rule with the expression in "Bad URL.txt", will use the action in the header if specified or force it using the action argument